Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass. I Thessalonians 5:24
The Cornerstone Foundation is a non-profit, Christian, charitable organization which built and administers a hospital-based outreach and related ministries on the north coast of Honduras, Central America. The hospital, Hospital Loma de Luz, is a full service medical facility, and it serves as the hub of related ministries. These include Foster Children’s Ministry, Chaplaincy, Bilingual School and Educational Ministries, Agricultural Ministries, and Community Development. It is our desire to effectively serve the people of Honduras in the name of, and with the direction of, Jesus Christ — the stone which was rejected by men but which became the Cornerstone.

We are called to serve in our part of Honduras in ministries of Faith (Hebrews 11:6), Service (Matthew 25:40), and Reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-20)

Hospital Loma de Luz is a full-service, Christian missionary hospital, which cares for 25,000 patients a year. It provides regular Out-patient care, Orthopedic & wound care, 24 hour Emergency, In-patient, Obstetrics, Pediatrics and Surgical services both to a primary catchment area of approximately 75,000 souls and referral services for the greater Honduran community.

Bilingual School
La Esculea Bilingue El Camino provides an excellent, bilingual, Christian education to children in grades pre-K through Secondary School. Running on the national bilingual school calendar ( corresponding with US calendar), it is staffed by a mixture of exceptional Christian Missionary Educators and highly selected National Teachers and Administrators.

Children's Center
Casa Santuario provides long and short-term residential care for children in need. While (in conjunction with Hospital Loma de Luz), providing short-term residential care to children and their families who qualify based on medical needs, our focus is on our long-term commitments to children. With the goal for each child to attain their God-given potential, here we care for children ages 0-18 years and are committed to be their home from then on.
who we are
Our Mission
The Cornerstone Foundation is dedicated to the Glory of God and the fulfillment of His Calling, through ministry to the body, soul, and spirit of those in need.
Our Vision
We exist to expand and strengthen the Kingdom of Heaven by sharing and living out the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are dedicated to His service through providing exceptional medical care, education, foster children’s care, vocational and agricultural training, supporting the local church, and community development in developing nations.
Our Core Values
We serve Christ by serving others as we:
- walk in integrity
- share with compassion
- pursue excellence.
- & live in stewardship
loma de luz
Our Team
You don’t have to look very far in this world to find need. It is true in each of our communities. It is particularly true for those who live in developing nations such as Honduras. It walks with you along the road. It clamors at your heels. It tugs on your sleeve and waits at your gate. God has enjoined us each to meet that need wherever He places us:.
From a personal perspective, it is a matter of obedience to the Lord’s calling for each involved in this work in Honduras. The various purposes are His own, not ours. Still, a pattern to this calling has become clear. We are called to serve in our part of Honduras in ministries of faith (Heb.11:6), service (Mt. 25:40),and reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20).
From a corporate perspective, the work of Loma de Luz, and the missionaries who do the work, collectively stand for something; a “light in this dark world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden.” (Mt. 5:14).
Our Faith
The Cornerstone Foundation is a Christian faith-based organization made possible by the cooperation of a diverse international community of Christian believers united by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Commitment to our faith calls for obedience to His calling. We are called to serve in ministries of faith (Heb.11:6), service(Mt. 25:40),and reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20).
The Cornerstone operations are staffed by those who attend the calling of both their faith and their professions – Education, Medicine & Nursing, Childcare, Construction & Maintenance, IT, Administration, and Agriculture – who commit to long-term Christian mission service in Honduras.
Equally as important, we are supported by those that heed the calling of Generosity and Stewardship, the donors who contribute financially. And, we never forget how much we are need and how much we are supported in Prayer, how much depends upon the “powerfully effective” “fervent prayer of the righteous”. ( James 5:16). For we wrestle not against flesh and blood… ( Ephesians 6:12)
Those who go, and those who support, these two essential components sustain a multifaceted outreach dedicated to meeting both the physical and spiritual needs of the community in which we serve. Collectively we stand for something far greater than the sum of these two parts; a “light in this dark world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden.” (Mt. 5:14).
Our Vision
The vision of Loma de Luz is one of a diverse community of Christian believers cooperating to provide Christian Service: the best Medical Care, Education, Foster Children’s care, Community Development, and more as a constant, present, on-going hearing of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of the north coast of Honduras, and ultimately the inland, the Mosquita, and to national and international sailors in that part of the Caribbean.
called to serve?
Volunteer Opportunities
The Cornerstone Foundation & APAH, the Asociación Piedra Angular de Honduras welcomes individuals, couples, families, and teams to partner with it in its ongoing ministries. We accept applications for short-term volunteers, teams, and long-term missionaries. Interested in finding out more?

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