About the Cornerstone Foundation
Who We Are
The Cornerstone Foundation is a non-profit, Christian faith-based, charitable organization-operating in Honduras, Central America. The Cornerstone Foundation is US-based and has US 501(c)(3) status. APAH, The Asociación Piedra Angular de Honduras (APAH) is the Honduran organization which serves as the legal administrative framework within Honduras for The Cornerstone Foundation operations. and has Honduran NGO status.
The Cornerstone Foundation/APAH is dedicated to serving the people of Honduras through building and administering service-oriented, facility-centered Christian outreach such as hospitals, schools, and children’s foster care services.
The primary facility is the Hospital Loma de Luz, a full service medical facility which serves as the hub for related ministries.
One Organization, four pillars of service:
The Cornerstone Foundation built and administers Loma de Luz, a full service medical facility on the North Coast of Honduras, in the Department of Colón. Hospital Loma de Luz was the original focus of this work, and still is the hub of the wheel of related service oriented ministries in the same locale.
The vision of Loma de Luz is one of a diverse community of Christian believers cooperating to provide medical care to the people of the north coast of Honduras and the Mosquitia.
In order to accomplish this task, a hospital is the structural hub of various services and outreaches that include Education, Foster Children’s Care, Agricultural Projects, public health, Chaplaincy, Community Development, Home Health Nursing, and Pastoral and Christian Leadership Training. We work daily for it to be an outreach that not only meets physical needs but also the needs of the spirit and the soul.
Why We Are Here
The Cornerstone Foundation?
The Cornerstone Foundation is a Christian charitable organization formed in 1992 in response to a need to facilitate the construction and operation of a hospital-based Christian outreach on the Caribbean coast of Honduras where there had been no accessible medical care within a day’s travel. The operation is made possible by a committed Board of Directors, career missionaries, part-time volunteers, supporting churches and individuals. In 1994 a sister organization was formed in Honduras, Asociación Piedra Angular de Honduras, (APAH) to administer local operations and conform to Honduran legal requirements.
Hospital Loma de Luz, which had its Grand Opening in January 2003, is a modern, 30,000 square foot, full-service hospital.
In 2004 El Camino, a Christian bilingual school, began as part of the Loma de Luz ministries.
In 2005 Sanctuary House Children’s Center, a Christian foster home, first opened as part of the outreach at Loma de Luz.
Continuing to respond to the regional needs, Loma de Luz has become more than a Missions Hospital, Children’s Home, and School. It is a vital and growing integrated outreach built and administered by a diverse community of Christian believers to provide Medical Care, Education and Training, Foster Children’s Care, Agricultural Work, Community Development and more: a constant, present, on-going hearing of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of the north coast of Honduras.
The need in this part of Latin America is concrete, ubiquitous, and “with you always.” Even before the devastation of recent Hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and the political and economic tumult and backlash against Honduras for the difficult stance the country took for democracy, Honduras was classified as “the poorest nation on the mainland of the Americas.” An estimated 80% of the population lives in poverty. With a population of roughly 8 million, the per capita income is $ 830 per year, the unemployment rate is above 40%. From a global comparison, Honduras is on the International Monetary Fund’s short list of the poorest of poor nations on this earth. And the lives of the people in the remote countryside, where we work, fall far below that statistical average for the country as a whole.
We at Loma de Luz are here to do what we can to meet this need.

Honduras Stats
The infant mortality rate for Honduras is reported to be variously between 45 per 1,000 live births to 73 per 1,000 live births. Twenty-one percent of children under age 5 are malnourished; there are 133 cases of tuberculosis per 1,000 people, and HIV infection is a skyrocketing catastrophe.
Common Challenges
Under the best of travel conditions, the nearest government public hospital requires nearly a day of travel for the people in this region. During the rainy season, when travel is restricted because of flooding and high rivers through which vehicles must travel, the government hospital may simply be inaccessible. Even if one reaches that hospital, chronic shortages of personnel and supplies make the effort a gamble, and “extra” expenses such as food, lodging, medicines, and materials, makes this care prohibitive for our people.

Meeting the Need
From a physical perspective it boils down to this: with the simple “wear and tear” diseases of life, Hondurans in the countryside are likely to suffer without relief. From an injury, such as a broken arm or burn, they are likely to be crippled. From a simple emergency, such as appendicitis, an obstetric complication, or a serious trauma, they are likely to die. We at Loma de Luz are here to do what we can to meet this need.
Enfoque Central A Loma de Luz la integridad será el sello que nos representa, siendo buenos mayordomos de los recursos dados por Dios sirviendo con compasión y excelencia en cada servicio prestado
Valores Fundamentales. Buscamos la Excelencia : Mostramos Integridad : Compartimos con Compasion: Caminamos en Mayordomia